41: Breaker of Hearts
40: Beef Milkshake
39: New Year Who's Dis?
38: Salty's Santa Sleigh Ride
37 Liquid Vinyl
Salty Sessions w Longy
36: Deathdrinks
35: 1yr Musicversary Veteran's Day Special
34: ValueWeen
Salty Sessions with Jim Costello
#33 Magic Number Sauce
Starving Artists
Sunday Stroll
30: End Of Summer Special
29: Cassette Culture
28: No BSOD Here
27: Let Freedom Ring
26: Sand Dollars & 3 Dolla Holla's
25: Lakehouse Hammocks
24: Memorial Day Jams!
23: Make Music Great Again
22: Under the City Lights
21: Jamin the Halvin
Volume up a smidge
Escape from clown world
Salty Session Vol 3 w Eastside Tony
Vires In Numeris
Pathfinders & Deck Darlings
Couple's Therapy
Salty Sessions Vol 2 with Survival Guide
Tuning Out The Noise
Amplified Agenda
EP 13: Queens of the Revolution
EP 12: For Those About To Rock!
EP 11: Vibe Voyage
Salty Sessions with The Doerfels
EP 10: NYE "The 23 in 2023"
EP 9: Christmas Time in the V4V
EP 8: Meister Of Melodies
EP 7: Feisty Foot Tappers
EP 6: V4V & Chill
EP 5: TurkeyBEATs
Ep 4: Are You Even In The Index Bro?
EP 3: Saluting The Sats
EP 2: Boosting Is Loving!
EP 1: Eargasms
"UpBeats with Salty Crayon" is a Value4Value music podcast that gives back to independent artists in real-time with Satoshi's (bitcoin) while introducing the world to a wide range of musical talent that takes you on an emotional and upbeat journey through their music and my commentary.