Tara Brach

    Tara Brach, Ph.D is an internationally known meditation teacher and author of bestselling Radical Acceptance and True Refuge. Tara shares a weekly guided meditation and talk that blend Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices. The podcast addresses the value of mindfulness meditation and self-compassion in relieving emotional suffering, serving spiritual awakening and bringing healing to our world.

  • Freedom Beyond the Trance of Self

  • Meditation: Resting Your Heart in Presence (20:13 min.)

  • Timeless Heart Wisdom for our Times – Tara Brach and Dan Harris

  • Guided Meditation: Disarming Our Hearts

  • Meditation: Embodying Acceptance and Care (15:34 min.)

  • The Courage to Say Yes - A Conversation with Tara and poet, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

  • The Sacred Work of Bridging Divides - Teachings from Roshi Joan Halifax and Tara Brach

  • Meditation: Resting in Knowing (20:43 min.)

  • Waking up from Bias: A conversation with Tara and Anurag (Anu) Gupta

  • Meditation: Collecting, Unifying and Opening the Mind (25:06 min.)

  • Inner and Outer Democracy: The Practice of True Inclusion

  • Meditation: A Witnessing, Kind Presence

  • What is Love Asking from Us? Reflections on Palestine and the Bodhisattva Path With Tara Brach & Gabor Mate

  • Meditation: Touching Peace

  • Trusting Your Basic Goodness: Part 2

  • Meditation: Awake, Relaxed and Open

  • Basic Trust - Part 1

  • Meditation: Entrusting Yourself to the Waves

  • Desire and Addiction (Part 2): Voices of Longing Calling You Home

  • Meditation: Meeting Fear with a Healing Breath

  • Desire and Addiction (Part 1): Voices of Longing Calling You Home

  • Meditation: The Blessings of Yes (20:12 min.)

  • Love is Always Here

  • Meditation: Living Presence – Awakening with a Smile (18:45 min)

  • From Ego to Eco-Identity - Homecoming to Sacred Relationship

  • Meditation: Embodied Awareness

  • From Head to Heart

  • Meditation: Awareness and Flow

  • Embodied Presence (Part 2) – Planting Our Roots in the Universe – Working with Pain

  • Meditation: A Listening Presence (20 min.)

  • Embodied Presence (Part 1) – Planting Our Roots in the Universe

  • Meditation: Portal to Sacred Presence (22:01 min.)

  • For the Love of Dogs…and All Beings

  • Meditation: Lighting Up Your Energy Body

  • Beloved Community

  • Meditation: Relaxing Open into Full Presence

  • Disarming Our Hearts - Part 2: Guidance from the Bodhisattva Path

  • Meditation: Awareness is Our Home

  • Disarming Our Hearts - Part 1

  • Meditation: Body and Spirit

  • Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 3: A Mirror

  • Meditation: Listening to Life

  • Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 2: Inner Fire

  • Meditation: Reconnecting to Silence and Presence

  • Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 1: Forgiveness

  • Meditation: Living Presence - Experiencing Aliveness and Openheartedness

  • Living with a Courageous Heart in Times of Crisis: A Conversation with Tara Brach & Oren Jay Sofer

  • Guided Meditation: Letting Life Be As It Is

  • Homecoming to Loving Awareness (Retreat talk)

  • Meditation: Open Awareness – Relaxing Back into Presence

  • Cherishing Each Other: A Conversation with Tara Brach and Father Gregory Boyle

  • 2024-04-24 - Meditation: Awakening through the Inner Body

  • Spiritual Reparenting: Loving Ourselves into Healing (from retreat)

  • Meditation: Inner Refuge of Calm

  • The Sacred Art of Listening

  • Meditation: Listening to Life

  • 2024-04-03 - Relating Wisely to our Inner Life: Tara and Lee C Camp

  • Meditation: A Present Heart

  • An Invitation to Freedom: A conversation between Tara and Connirae Andreas

  • Meditation: Widening Rings of Being

  • 2024-03-20 - Do you feel Overwhelmed? Turning Stress into a Gateway of Awakening

  • Meditation: Openhearted Presence

  • Navigating the Dark Ages

  • Meditation: Cultivating a Gentle, Kind Attention

  • Part 2: Healing Depression with Meditation

  • Meditation: Letting Go of Doing

  • Part 1: Healing Depression with Meditation

  • Meditation: Refuge in Living Presence

  • “Getting Over Yourself”: A conversation with Tara Brach and Stephen Josephs

  • Meditation: A Welcoming Heartspace

  • Letting Go of Controlling – Part 2: The Path of Freedom

  • Guided Meditation: The Center of Now

  • What is the Path to Peace? A conversation with Tara Brach and Assaf Katz

  • Meditation: Relaxed and Alert

  • Letting Go of Controlling – Part 1: The Path of Freedom

  • Meditation: Letting Go… Letting Be

  • Changing Unhealthy Habits of Eating - A Conversation between Tara and Judson Brewer

  • Meditation: Listening to our Heart

  • How Hope Can Heal and Free Us – Part 2

  • Meditation: Receiving Life in Open, Awake Awareness

  • How Hope Can Heal and Free Us – Part 1

  • Meditation: Awakening Our Full Aliveness

  • Coming Home to True Refuge

  • Meditation: Energy and Source

  • The Sacred Pause

  • Meditation: Opening to the Mystery

  • Finding True Belonging in the Midst of Stress

  • Meditation: Relaxed and Awake

  • Awakening from Trance – Embracing Unlived Life

  • Meditation: Opening to the Sea of Presence

  • Basic Goodness and Awe: A conversation between Tara Brach and Dacher Keltner

  • Guided Meditation: Whole Body Breathing

  • How Do We Bridge the Divides?

  • Meditation: Breathing Our Way to Peace & Freedom

  • A Generous Heart

  • Meditation: The Space of Loving Awareness

  • Conversation with Tara Brach and Arthur Brooks: Becoming Happier

  • Meditation: Refuge of Living Presence

  • The Wise Heart of Radical Acceptance

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back and Saying Yes to the Moment

  • Mindful Glimpses: A Conversation with Tara Brach and Loch Kelly

  • Meditation: The Sea of Awareness

  • A Conversation with Tara and Stephen Fulder: What is our Refuge in the Midst of Crisis

  • Meditation: Awake and Alive

  • Four Spiritual Inquiries: Finding Heart Wisdom in Painful Times

  • Meditation: Relaxing with Life

  • Radical Self-Forgiving

  • Meditation: Living Presence – with Body Scan

  • Longing for Freedom: A conversation with Tara Brach and Lama Rod Owens

  • Meditation: Letting Thought Clouds Come and Go

  • Awakening from the Trance of Self-Centeredness

  • Meditation: Continuous Space Suffused with Awareness

  • Saying Yes (Part 2): A Conversation with Tara Brach & Jane Hirshfield

  • Meditation: Opening to the Flow

  • Saying Yes: A Conversation with Tara Brach & Jane Hirshfield

  • Meditation: Everything Belongs

  • Path of Sacred Relatedness - Undoing the Blocks to Loving Presence

  • Meditation: At Home in the Moment

  • The Honesty Challenge - Getting more truthful with ourselves and our world

  • Meditation: Vipassana – The Practice of Seeing Clearly

  • The Superpower of Mindful Witnessing

  • Meditation: Being a Kind Witness

  • Conscious Prayer – Finding Refuge in Loving Awareness

  • Meditation: Openhearted Presence

  • Part 2: Rewiring for Happiness and Freedom

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into the Mystery

  • Part 1: Rewiring for Happiness and Freedom

  • Meditation: Coming Home with the Breath

  • Intimacy with Life (Part 2)

  • Guided Meditation: Intimacy with the Flow of Life

  • Intimacy with Life - Part 1

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Presence

  • Being with Love, Death and Grief: Tara Brach and Frank Ostaseski

  • Meditation: Present Heart

  • Ask Me Anything with Tara and Jonathan (Part 2)

  • Meditation: From Head to Full Being

  • Three Core Reminders for Spiritual Practice

  • Meditation: Loving What Is

  • Ask Me Anything with Tara and Jonathan (Part 1)

  • Meditation: Meeting Life with a Kind Presence

  • Unwinding Anxiety with Awareness (Part 2): A conversation with Tara and Dr. Judson Brewer

  • Meditation: Resting in Breath, Relaxing into Life

  • Unwinding Anxiety with Awareness (Part 1): A conversation with Tara and Dr. Judson Brewer

  • Meditation – Cultivating a Relaxed Attention

  • Facing Fear (Part 2) – Awakening Your Fearless Heart

  • Meditation: Relaxing with Life

  • Facing Fear (Part 1) – Awakening Your Fearless Heart

  • Meditation: Open-Hearted Presence

  • Releasing the Habits That Imprison Your Spirit (Part 2)

  • Meditation: Letting Life Live through You

  • Pt1 - Releasing the Habits That Imprison Your Spirit

  • Meditation: Receiving This Life in Awareness

  • Radical Acceptance – Gateway to Love, Wisdom and Peace

  • Meditation: Embodying Acceptance and Care

  • Cultivating Loving Kindness – Seeing the Goodness

  • Meditation: Embodied Spirit

  • Realizing True Nature: A conversation with Hameed Ali and Tara Brach

  • Meditation: Inhabiting Awake Awareness

  • Finding True Refuge in This Living Dying World - Part 1

  • Finding True Refuge in This Living Dying World - Part 2

  • Meditation: Living Presence

  • Meditation: Vast and Timeless Presence

  • The Power of Deep Listening – Part 2

  • Meditation: Cultivating Deep Listening

  • The Power of Deep Listening – Part 1

  • Meditation: Aliveness and Presence

  • Compassion for All Living Beings

  • Meditation: Say “Yes” to Life

  • The Wings of Awakening – Self-Honesty & Love (retreat talk)

  • Meditation: Spacious Sky of Awareness

  • Making the Whole World Your Friend

  • Meditation: Befriending Your Inner Life

  • Refuge in the Wilderness – Pt 2 - Coming Home to Embodied Presence

  • Meditation: Homecoming to Our Life Breath

  • Refuge in the Wilderness - Part 1

  • Meditation: Opening to Full Aliveness

  • The RAIN of Forgiveness

  • Meditation: Vipassana – Practice of Seeing Clearly

  • How to Stop the War Against Yourself - A conversation with Tara Brach & Dan Harris

  • Meditation: Opening to the River of Aliveness

  • Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness - The Power of Self-Nurturing

  • Meditation: Relaxing into Presence or Sleep

  • Meditation, Psychedelics, Mortality: A conversation with Tara and Roland Griffiths

  • Meditation: The Silence That is Listening

  • Trusting the Gold - Realizing Our Basic Goodness

  • Meditation: Relaxing with a Smile into Living Presence

  • The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness - Part 1 - with Dan Harris

  • Realizing Your Deepest Intention

  • Meditation: Awake Awareness is Our Home

  • Freedom Beyond Selfing

  • Meditation: Letting Go and Letting Be

  • IntraConnected – Part 2: Conversation with Tara and Dan Siegel

  • Meditation: "Yes" to Our Moments

  • IntraConnected – Part 1: Conversation with Tara and Dan Siegel

  • Meditation: Body and Spirit

  • Our True Nature – Emptiness Dancing (retreat talk)

  • Meditation: Receiving Life in Open Awareness

  • Embracing Life and Realizing the Nature of Awareness - Tara and Mingyur Rinpoche in Conversation

  • Meditation: Being the Ocean and Opening to the Waves (from retreat)

  • A Grateful, Giving, Happy Heart

  • Meditation: Touching Peace

  • The Calling of These Times - Part 2

  • Meditation: Calling on Your Awakened Heart

  • The Calling of These Times - Part 1

  • Meditation: Being the Ocean and Opening to the Waves

  • Three Practices for Nurturing Wise Hope

  • Meditation: Befriending Our Experience

  • Cultivating Inner Strength – A Conversation with Tara Brach and Lori Deschene

  • Meditation: At Home in the Moment

  • Beyond the Controlling Self - Part 2

  • Meditation: Letting Life Be

  • Beyond the Controlling Self - Part 1

  • Meditation: Letting Go into Living Presence

  • The Liberating Power of Conscious Intention – Part 2

  • Meditation: Resting in the Center of Now

  • The Liberating Power of Conscious Intention – Part 1

  • Meditation: Calling on Your Future Self

  • Radical Acceptance - Our Gateway to Love and Freedom

  • Meditation: Saying “Yes” to Reality

  • Navigating Conflict with a Wise Heart – Part 2

  • Meditation: Relaxing with Life

  • Navigating Conflict with a Wise Heart – Part 1

  • Meditation: Resting in a Sea of Presence

  • Concern for All Beings: Plant-Based Eating

  • Survival of the Nurtured – Our Path to Belonging

  • Meditation: The Presence Beyond Thoughts

  • Awakening through Difficult Emotions

  • Meditation: Breath by Breath

  • Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 3: A Mirror

  • Meditation: Listening to Life

  • Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 2: Inner Fire

  • Meditation: Open Awareness – Relaxing Back into Presence

  • Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 1: Forgiveness

  • Meditation: Living Presence

  • Awakening from the Landlocked Self

  • Meditation: Befriending and Opening to Life

  • 2022-07-20 - Homecoming to Your True Nature

  • Meditation: The Breath – Portal to Presence

  • From Dragons to Schmoos – Meeting Life with Compassionate Presence

  • Meditation: Resting in Wakeful Presence

  • Navigating the Dark Ages

  • Meditation: Cultivating a Gentle, Kind Attention

  • The Path of Spiritual Surrender: Part 2

  • Meditation: Letting Go

  • The Path of Spiritual Surrender: Part 1

  • Meditation: Befriending Your Inner Life (16:11 min.)

  • The Three Steps of Letting Go

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Open Wakefulness

  • Cultivating a Courageous Heart – Part 2

  • Meditation: Refuge of Living Presence

  • Cultivating a Courageous Heart – Part 1

  • Meditation: Reconnecting to Silence and Presence

  • Nourishing Our Spirit in Times of Collective Fear

  • Meditation: Whole Body Breathing

  • Self Forgiveness with RAIN

  • Meditation: Awake and Alive

  • Equanimity – Part 4 of Present Heart: Universal Expressions of Love

  • Meditation: The Space and Aliveness of Presence

  • Joy – Part 3 of Present Heart: The Universal Expressions of Love

  • Meditation: The Heartspace Where All is Welcome

  • Compassion – Part 2 of Present Heart: The Universal Expressions of Love

  • Meditation: Awareness Is Our Home

  • Lovingkindness – Part 1 of Present Heart: The Universal Expressions of Love

  • Meditation: Path of Love

  • Responding with Heart to Painful Times: Conversation with Tara & Frank Ostaseski

  • Meditation: Present Heart

  • Relationships - from Reactivity to Rechoosing Love

  • Meditation: Meeting Life with a Spacious Heart

  • Compassion toward Non-Human Animals - A Conversation between Konda Mason and Tara Brach

  • Meditation: Entrusting Yourself to the Waves

  • Being Embodied: Gateway to Aliveness and Spirit – Part 2

  • Meditation: Inhabiting Our Body, Realizing Wholeness

  • Being Embodied: Gateway to Aliveness and Spirit – Part 1

  • Meditation: Embodied Spirit

  • Engaged Spirituality during Times of Upheaval

  • Meditation – Compassion Practice – Tonglen

  • Equanimity: The Gifts of Non-Reactive Mindful Presence

  • Meditation: Being a Kind Witness

  • Radical Acceptance - Gateway to Love, Wisdom and Peace

  • Meditation: Embodying Acceptance and Care

  • Cultivating Loving Kindness

  • Heart Meditation: Loving Kindness – Befriending our Lives

  • Love in Action: Realizing Interbeing

  • Meditation: Spacious, Clear Awareness

  • The Earth is Crying in our Hearts

  • Meditation: Breathing Through

  • Living with Courageous Presence

  • Meditation: Know That You're Here

  • Resilience and Wisdom in an Uncertain World (Conversation: Tara & Trisha Stotler, IMCW)

  • Meditation: Silence, Presence and Care (2022-01-19)

  • Compass of Our Heart

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (2022-01-12)

  • Finding True Refuge: Pathways of Remembering

  • Meditation: Letting Go… Letting Be (2022-01-05)

  • Meditation: What Matters to your Heart?

  • Loving Ourselves into Healing - Part 3

  • Meditation: Awakening an Intimate Presence (2021-12-29)

  • Loving Ourselves into Healing - Part II (2021-12-22)

  • Meditation: Awakening Loving Presence (2021-12-22)

  • Loving Ourselves into Healing - Part I (2021-12-15)

  • Meditation: Collecting and Quieting the Mind (2021-12-15)

  • Awakening from the Trance of Unworthiness - Interview with Tara and Dr. Mark Hyman

  • Meditation: Refuge in Presence (2021-12-08)

  • Preparing our Hearts for the Holidays (2021-12-01)

  • Heart Meditation: Taking in the Goodness (2021-12-01)

  • Gratitude: Entering Sacred Relationship

  • Meditation: Energy and Source (2021-11-24)

  • Recevoir la bonté présente (Méditation de retraite) (de-TaraBrach-traduite-par-Dominique-Fugère)

  • Conversation: Facing the Truths That Keep Us from Love

  • Meditation: Filling Our Body with Love (2021-11-17)

  • Meditation: RAIN of Compassion (9 min.)

  • Fear and Love (retreat talk)

  • Meditation: Awakening Self-Compassion (2021-11-10)

  • After the RAIN: Part 2 - The Flowering of Awake Awareness (2021 -11 -03)

  • Meditation: The Return to Presence - Rest Your Mind in What Is (2021-11-03)

  • After the RAIN: Part 1 - The Flowering of Awake Awareness

  • Meditation: The Space of Loving Awareness (2021-10-27)

  • Wise Investigation: Dissolving the Trance

  • Meditation: Widening Rings of Being (2021-10-20)

  • Grieving and Timeless Love

  • Meditation: A Practice of RAIN

  • Realizing Your Deepest Desires

  • Meditation: Letting Thought Clouds Come and Go

  • Facing Fear in a Traumatized World

  • Meditation: The Heart-Wisdom of Your Future Self (2021-09-29)

  • Anger: Responding, Not Reacting (2021-09-22)

  • Meditation: Present Heart (2021-09-22)

  • Radical Friendship: Conversation between Tara Brach and Kate Johnson

  • Meditation: Sitting Like a Mountain (2021-09-15)

  • A Conversation Between Tara and Mark Nepo

  • Meditation: Receiving Life in Open, Awake Awareness

  • The Wise Heart of Radical Acceptance

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back and Saying "Yes" to the Moment

  • The Blessings of “Enough” - Discovering Contentment in Daily Life (PT 2)

  • Meditation: Resting Your Heart in Presence

  • The Blessings of “Enough” - Discovering Contentment in Daily Life (Part 1)

  • Meditation: Saying “Yes” to Life

  • Humility

  • Meditation: Dedicated to Maya Angelou - Being Home

  • Taking ‘The Exquisite Risk': An Undefended Heart

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Full Presence

  • Writing and Haiku as Spiritual Practice (Tara Brac Interviews Natalie Goldberg)

  • Meditation: The Space of Loving Awareness

  • The Power of Spiritual Hope

  • Meditation: Nourishing Happiness with RAIN

  • Mindful Leadership: A Conversation between Tara Brach and Michelle Maldonado (2021-07-14)

  • Meditation: Living Presence – with Body Scan (2021-07-15)

  • Three Core Reminders for Spiritual Practice

  • Meditation: Relaxed and Alert

  • Trusting the Gold: A Conversation - Tara Brach and Jonathan Foust

  • Heart Meditation: Taking in the Goodness (2021-06-30)

  • Shifting from Limbic to Liberating Intention

  • Meditation: The Heartspace of Gratitude

  • Fierce Self-Compassion - A conversation - Tara Brach & Kristin Neff

  • Meditation: The Heartspace Where All is Welcome (2021-06-16)

  • Trusting the Gold - A Celebration of Tara’s New Book, with guest, Rick Hanson

  • Meditation: The Presence Beyond Thoughts (2021-06-09)

  • Meditation: Blessings of Love

  • Part 2 - Being Embodied: Gateway to Aliveness and Spirit

  • Meditation: Inhabiting Our Body, Realizing Wholeness

  • Part 1 - Being Embodied: Gateway to Aliveness and Spirit

  • Meditation: Embodied Spirit

  • Entering the Mystery

  • Meditation: Yes to Life (2021-05-19)

  • Bridging the Divide: Learning to Tend and Befriend

  • Meditation: Being Here for Life (2021-05-08)

  • Three Dimensions of Conscious Prayer

  • Meditation: Letting Go into Living Presence (2021-05-05)

  • Méditation: Rencontrer la colère avec conscience (de-TaraBrach-traduite-par-Dominique-Fugère)

  • Namaste: Honoring the Light in All Beings

  • Meditation: From Head to Full Being (2021-04-28)

  • Belonging to the Earth

  • Meditation: Opening to Full Aliveness (2021-04-21)

  • “Make Love of Your Self Perfect” - Retreat talk

  • Meditation: Coming Home with the Breath (2021-04-14)

  • Radical Self-Honesty: The Joy of Getting Real

  • Meditation: Relaxing into Living Presence (2021-04-07)

  • Part 2 - Fear of Aging: Finding Freedom in this Impermanent World

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Presence (2021-03-31)

  • Transforming Two Fears - FOF and FOMO (2021-03-24)

  • Meditation: Embodying Loving Awareness (2021-03-24)

  • Fear of Aging - Finding Freedom in this Impermanent World – Part 1 (2021-03-17)

  • Meditation: A Kind and Allowing Presence (2021-03-17)

  • The Power of Deep Listening - Part 2 (2012-03-10)

  • Meditation: Cultivating Deep Listening (2021-03-10)

  • The Power of Deep Listening - Part 1 (2021-03-03)

  • Meditation: Aliveness and Presence (2021-03-03)

  • Namaste: Seeing the Truth of Who We Are (2021-02-24)

  • Meditation: Continuous Space Suffused with Awareness (2021-02-24)

  • Awakening Our Body’s Awareness – Part 2 (2021-02-17)

  • Meditation: A Welcoming Heartspace (2021-02-17)

  • The Superpower of Mindful Witnessing (2021-02-10)

  • Meditation: Being a Kind Witness (2021-02-10)

  • Awakening Our Body’s Awareness – Part 1

  • Meditation: Homecoming with the Breath

  • Spiritual Hope (2021-01-27)

  • Meditation: Sacred Presence (2021-01-23)

  • Cultivating a Courageous Heart - Part 2 (2021-01-20)

  • Meditation: Refuge of Living Presence (2021-01-30)

  • Cultivating a Courageous Heart - Part 1 (2020-01-13)

  • Meditation: Reconnecting to Silence and Presence (2021-01-13)

  • The Three Refuges - Gateways to Awakening (2021-01-06)

  • Meditation: A Present Heart (2020-01-06)

  • Repairing Our Hearts - Healing with the RAIN of Compassion (2020-12-30)

  • Meditation: RAIN of Self-Compassion (2020-12-30)

  • “Good Othering” – Helping Each Other Trust the Gold (2020-12-23)

  • Meditation: Meeting life with a Kind Presence (2020-12-23)

  • Heart to Heart: A Conversation Between Dan Gottlieb and Tara Brach (2020-12-16)

  • Meditation: Coming Home to Heartspace (2020-12-16)

  • Remembering Our Belonging – Part 2 (2020-12-09)

  • Meditation: Yes to Our Moments (2020-12-09)

  • Remembering Our Belonging, Part 1 (2020-12-02)

  • Meditation: Embodied Love (2020-12-02)

  • Authentic Thanks Giving (2020-11-25)

  • Meditation: Yes to Life (2020-11-25)

  • The Stories that Empower Us: A Conversation between Tara Brach and Elizabeth Lesser (2020-11-18)

  • Meditation: The “Do No Harm and Take No S***” Practice, by Guest Elizabeth Lesser (2020-11-18)

  • “Play a Greater Part” – Bodhisattva for Our Times

  • Meditation: Vipassana – Opening Our Hearts to Life as It Is (2020-11-11)

  • Our Refuge of Heartspace (2020-11-04)

  • Meditation: Refuge in Living Presence (2020-11-04)

  • Change, Loss and Timeless Love (Part 2) (2020-10-28)

  • Instruction and Meditation: Pathway to Non-Doing Presence (2020-10-27)

  • Meditation: Suffering and Compassion (2020-10-28)

  • Healing Racialized Trauma: A Conversation with Resmaa Menakem and Tara Brach (2020-10-21)

  • Meditation: Letting Life Live Through You (2020-10-21)

  • Change, Loss and Timeless Love (Part 1) (2020-10-14)

  • Meditation: Listening to Our Heart (2020-10-14)

  • Meditation: Uprooting Limiting Beliefs with RAIN (2020-09-23)

  • Meditation: Letting Go and Letting Be (2020-10-03)

  • Your Future Self: Turning Towards Your Awakened HeartMind

  • Equanimity: The Gifts of Non-Reactive Mindful Presence (2020-09-30)

  • Meditation: Pathway to Inner Peace (2020--09-30)

  • Freedom from the Prison of Limiting Beliefs (2020-09-23)

  • Meditation: Refuge in Presence (2020-09-23)

  • The Four Remembrances (2020-09-16)

  • Meditation: Loving What Is (2020-09-12)

  • Meditation: Loving What Is (2020-09-12)

  • Awakening from the Trance of Bad-Othering (2020-09-09)

  • Meditation: Meeting Life with a Spacious Heart (2020-09-09)

  • Guided Reflection: The RAIN of Compassion – What Is It Like to Be You

  • Transforming Your Relationship with Anxiety (2020-09-02)

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (2020-09-02)

  • Meditation: Listening to our Life (2020-08-15)

  • Meditation: Waking up from the Dream (2020-07-25)

  • Worrier Pose – Finding Freedom from the Body of Fear (retreat talk)

  • Meditation: Resting in Awake Awareness

  • Radical Love 2: Loving Ourselves into Healing (2020-08-19)

  • Meditation: A Present Heart (2020-08-19)

  • Learning to Respond, Not React

  • Meditation: Cultivating an Intimate Presence

  • Radical Love: Part 1 - Reflections that Awaken our Heart (2020-08-05)

  • Guided Meditation: Openhearted Presence (2020-08-05)

  • Meditation: Tonglen - Discovering the Boundless Space of Compassion (2020-07-25)

  • Your Awake Heart Is Calling You

  • Meditation: A Witnessing, Kind Presence

  • Love and Fear During Times of War: Interview with Lama Rod Owens

  • Meditation: Gateway to Natural Presence (2020-07-22)

  • The Sacred Art of Listening

  • Meditation: Listening to Life (2014-11-12)

  • Meditation: Healing Shame (2020-07-01)

  • The Heart Crosses the Abyss - Three Inner Trainings (2020-07-08)

  • Meditation: The Space of Loving Awareness (2020-07-08)

  • Shame, Healing and Transformation (2020-07-01)

  • Meditation: Calling on Our Inner Bodhisattva (2020-07-01)

  • Spiritual Hope (2020-06-24)

  • Meditation: Body and Spirit (2020-06-24)

  • Sustaining Our Caring (2020-06-17)

  • Meditation: Embodied Metta (2020-06-17)

  • Meditation: Meeting Anger with Awareness (2020-06-10)

  • Anger and Transformation (2020-06-19)

  • Meditation: Inner Refuge of Calm (2020-06-10)

  • A Courageous Presence with Racism (2020-06-03)

  • Meditation: Homecoming to Wakeful Presence (2020-06-03)

  • Remembering Goodness: Three Gestures of Love

  • Meditation: Spacious, Loving Awareness (from retreat)

  • Meditation: Light RAIN in Difficult Times (2020-05-23)

  • Embracing Uncertainty: Sheltering in Love - Part 9 (2020-05-20)

  • Meditation: The Art of Letting Go (2020-05-20)

  • Meditation: Calling on Your Future Self (2020-05-09)

  • Sheltering in Love – Part 8: Finding Freedom in the Midst of Failure (2020-05-13)

  • Meditation: Living, Embodied Presence (2020-05-13)

  • Sheltering in Love – Part 7: Awakening from the Prison of Blame (2020-05-06)

  • Meditation: Openhearted Presence (2020-05-06)

  • Sheltering In Love - Part 6: Loneliness as a Portal to Sacred Presence - Part 2

  • Meditation: Vipassana - Seeing Life As It Is (2020-04-29)

  • Meditation: Awakening Through the Animal-Headed Deities (2020-04-15)

  • Sheltering in Love (Part 5): Loneliness as a Portal to Sacred Presence

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Natural Awareness (2020-04-22)

  • Sheltering In Love - Part 4 (2020-04-15)

  • Meditation: Refuge in Sacred Presence (2020-04-15)

  • Sheltering In Love (Part 3) (2020-04-08)

  • Meditation: A Calm Refuge - with the Rain (2020-04-08)

  • Sheltering In Love - Part 2 (2020-04-01)

  • Meditation: Meeting Fear with a Healing Breath (2020-04-01)

  • Meditation: Embracing Life with an Open Heart (2020-03-25)

  • Sheltering in Love - Part 1 (2020-03-25)

  • Meditation: Touching Peace (2020-03-25)

  • Short Talk and Guided Meditation: Bringing RAIN to Fear

  • Facing Pandemic Fears with an Awake Heart (2020-03-18)

  • Guided Meditation for Times of Pandemic: “Calling on Your Awakened Heart”

  • Meditation: Bring RAIN to the Wanting Mind (2020-03-04)

  • Guided Heart Meditation: Loving Kindness - Befriending our Lives

  • Desire and Addiction (Part 2): Voices of Longing Calling You Home (2020-03-11)

  • Desire and Addiction: Voices of Longing Calling You Home (2020-03-04)

  • Meditation: The Blessings of Yes (2020-03-04)

  • Facing Fear (Part 2) - Awakening Your Fearless Heart (2020-02-26)

  • Meditation: Relaxing with Life (2020-02-26)

  • Working with Trauma: Tara Interviews Jim Gordon, MD (2020-02-19)

  • Meditation: Letting Life Live Through You (2020-02-19)

  • Facing Fear (Part 1) - Awakening Your Fearless Heart -

  • Meditation: Open-Hearted Presence (2020-02-12)

  • Embodied Presence (Part 2) - Planting our Roots in the Universe - Working with Pain (2020-02-05)

  • Meditation: A Listening Presence (2020-02-05)

  • Being Truthful - How Honesty Nourishes Love

  • Guided Heart Meditation: Releasing Blame (retreat) (2019-12-30)

  • Part 1: Embodied Presence - Planting our Roots in the Universe (2020-01-22)

  • Meditation: Portal to Sacred Presence (2020-01-22)

  • Shifting From Limbic to Liberating Intention (2020-01-15)

  • Meditation: Coming Home with the Breath (2020-01-15)

  • The Three Refuges - Gateways to Belonging and Freedom (2020-01-08)

  • Meditation: Relaxed and Awake (2020-01-08)

  • The Power of Awake Awareness (retreat talk) (2019-12-28)

  • Introductory Meditation Instructions - Guided Practice from Retreat

  • Short Talk and Guided Heart Meditation - Releasing Blame (retreat)

  • Trusting Who We Are (retreat talk)

  • Short Talk and Guided Heart Meditation - Loving Kindness - Befriending our Lives (retreat)

  • Radical Compassion - Part 3 - Loving Ourselves and Our World into Healing (2019-12-18)

  • A Brief Meditation: Gathering and Arriving in Presence (2019-12-18)

  • Radical Compassion - Part 2 - Loving Ourselves and Our World into Healing

  • Meditation: Surrender into Living Presence (2019-12-11)

  • Radical Compassion - Part 1 - Loving Ourselves and Our World into Healing

  • Meditation: Cultivating a Gentle, Kind Attention (2019-12-04)

  • Gratitude: Entering Sacred Relationship (2019-11-27)

  • Meditation: Being Here (2019-11-27)

  • Listening to the Song - Part 2 (2019-11-20)

  • Meditation: Coming Home to Natural Presence (2019-11-20)

  • Meditation: The RAIN of Compassion (30 min)

  • Meditation: Calling on Loving Presence

  • Listening to the Song - Part 1 (2019-11-13)

  • Meditation - The Silence that is Listening (2013-11-13)

  • Judgment, Acceptance and Freedom (Retreat Talk) (2019-11-03)

  • Short Talk and Meditation: Saying Yes to Our Life

  • Anger: Responding, Not Reacting

  • Meditating with RAIN - Working with Difficult Emotions

  • Meditation: Letting Go – 9 Magic Breaths (2019-07-19)

  • Belonging to Each Other – Part 3 of 3 (2019-10-23)

  • Meditation: Awake and Alive (2019-10-23)

  • Reflection: RAIN on Blame (2019-10-16)

  • Belonging to Each Other – Part 2 of 3 (2019-10-16)

  • Meditation: Vast and Timeless Presence (2019-10-16)

  • Belonging to Each Other - Part 1 (2019-10-09)

  • Meditation: Relaxed and Alert (2019-10-09)

  • Spiritual Hope: Trusting Your Awakening Heart (2019-10-02)

  • Meditation: Relaxing into Awake Awareness (2019-10-02)

  • Wise Investigation: Dissolving the Trance

  • Meditation: A Healing, Relaxing Breath

  • True Happiness: Realizing Well-Being

  • Reflection: Pausing and Deepening Attention in the Face of Attachment

  • The Gift of Silence: Quieting the Mind

  • Meditation: Awakening the Heart – Giving and Receiving Loving Blessings

  • Befriending Irene

  • Meditation: The Blessings of Love

  • Earth’s Crisis: On the Edge of the Roof

  • Meditation: Discovering Inner Space

  • Good Othering - Helping Each Other Trust the Gold (2019-08-21)

  • Meditation: The Sea of Awareness (2019-08-21)

  • Meditation for Fertility (2019-08-19)

  • Part 2 - The Answer is Love: Evolving out of "Bad Other" (2019-08-14)

  • Meditation: Everything Belongs (2019-08-14)

  • Part 1 - The Answer is Love:  Evolving out of "Bad Other" (2019-08-07)

  • Meditation: Cultivating a Kind Attention (2019-08-07)

  • Longing to Belong: Bringing Presence through the Three Refuges

  • Vipassana or Insight Meditation and Instruction: from Day 4 on Retreat

  • The Path of Spiritual Surrender: Part 2 (2017-07-24)

  • Meditation: Letting go (2019-07-24)

  • Desire: A Current of Homecoming

  • Meditation: Vipassana – Opening Our Hearts to Life as It Is

  • The Path of Spiritual Surrender: Part 1 (2019-07-10)

  • Meditation: Befriending Your Inner Life (2019-07-10)

  • How Hope Can Heal and Free Us – Part 2

  • Meditation: Receiving Life in Open, Awake Awareness

  • How Hope Can Heal and Free Us – Part 1

  • Meditation: Awakening Our Full Aliveness

  • The Courage to Love - Part 2 (2019-06-19)

  • Meditation: Wakeful, Open Awareness (2019-06-19)

  • The Courage to Love - Part 1 (2019-06-12)

  • Meditation: Effortless and Wakeful Presence (2019-06-12)

  • An Appropriate Response: Living from an Awake Heart (2019-06-05)

  • Meditation - Breath by Breath: Relaxing with Our Life (2019-06-05)

  • Part 3 - Forgiveness: Releasing Ourselves and Others from Aversive Blame (2019-05-29)

  • Meditation: Opening to Life (2019-05-29)

  • Trusting the Gold (retreat talk) (2019-05-08)

  • Meditation: RAIN on Self-Blame (2019-04-17)

  • Compassion Towards All: Moving toward a Plant Based Diet (2019-05-15)

  • Meditation: Choosing Living Presence

  • Conscious Prayer – Finding Refuge in Loving Awareness (retreat talk)

  • Meditation: Loving This Life – Happiness - a Metta Practice

  • Part 2 - Forgiveness: Releasing Ourselves and Others from Aversive Blame (2019-05-01)

  • Meditation: Being Here (2019-05-01)

  • Equanimity: A Heart That is Ready for Anything

  • Meditation: Awakening Our Energy Body

  • Part 1 - Forgiveness: Releasing Ourselves and Others from Aversive Blame (2019-04-17)

  • Meditation: Sea of Loving Presence (2019-04-17)

  • Beyond the Controlling Self - Part 2 (2019-04-10)

  • Meditation: Letting Life Be (2019-04-10)

  • Beyond the Controlling Self - Part 1 (2019-04-03)

  • Meditation: Letting Go into Living Presence (2019-04-03)

  • The Four Remembrances (2019-03-27)

  • Meditation: Saying Yes to Reality (2019-03-27)

  • Embodied Presence: Portal to the Sacred – Part 2 (2019-03-20)

  • Meditation: Being Here (with OMs) (2019-03-20)

  • Embodied Presence: Portal to the Sacred - Part 1 (2019-03-13)

  • Meditation: Entering Heartspace with the “Smile-Down” (2019-03-13)

  • Navigating Conflict with a Wise Heart – Part 2 (2019-03-06)

  • Meditation: Relaxing with Life (2019-03-05)

  • Pt1 - Navigating Conflict with a Wise Heart (2019-02-27)

  • Meditation: Resting in the Sea of Presence (2019-02-27)

  • Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (18 min.)

  • Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (12 min.)

  • Meditation: Reducing Anxiety and Getting to Sleep (6 min.)

  • The Sacred Art of Listening

  • Meditation: Listening to Life

  • Spiritual Reparenting

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Living Presence

  • Living with Courageous Presence (2019-02-06)

  • Meditation: The Practice of RAIN (2019-02-06)

  • Earth's Crisis: On the Edge of the Roof (from the Archives)

  • Meditation: Collecting, Unifying and Opening the Mind

  • Without Anxiety About Imperfection - featuring special guest, Haemin Sunim, with Tara Brach

  • Meditation: Living Loving Awareness

  • Realizing Your Deepest Intention (2019-01-16)

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Awareness (2016-01-16)

  • Finding True Refuge: Pathways of Remembering (2019-01-09)

  • Meditation: Letting Go…Letting Be (2019-01-09)

  • From Judgment to Self-Compassion (retreat talk) (2018-12-30)

  • Meditation: Being the Ocean and Opening to the Waves (2018-12-31)

  • Transforming Two Fears: FOF and FOMO

  • Meditation: Awakening the Heart - Giving and Receiving Loving Blessings

  • A 2018 Winter Solstice Ceremony (2018-12-19)

  • Three Core Capacities in Loving Fully (2018-12-19)

  • Meditation: Arriving in Open Presence (2018-12-19) -

  • Part 2 - Healing Anxiety - How Meditation Frees Us (2018-12-12)

  • Meditation: Aware and Alive (2018-12-12)

  • Three Attitudes that Nourish a Liberating Practice

  • Vipassana or Insight Meditation and Instruction: A Path of Practice from Retreat

  • Part 1 - Healing Anxiety - How Meditation Frees Us (2018-11-28)

  • Meditation: Awareness, Aliveness and Space (2018-11-28)

  • Authentic Thanks Giving (2018-11-21)

  • Meditation: Yes to Life (2018-11-21)

  • Survival of the Nurtured - Our Path to Belonging (2018-11-14)

  • Meditation: The Presence Beyond Thoughts (2018-11-14)

  • Part 2 - The Jewel in the Lotus: Cultivating Compassion (2018-11-07)

  • Meditation: Whole Body Breathing (2018-11-07)

  • Worrier Pose: Finding Freedom from the Body of Fear (retreat talk)

  • Meditation: Loving Kindness - Awakening and Expressing Our Heart (retreat)

  • Part 1 - The Jewel in the Lotus: Cultivating Compassion (2018-10-24)

  • Meditation: Resting in Awake Awareness (2018-10-24)

  • Part 2 - Rewiring for Happiness and Freedom (2018-10-17)

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into the Mystery (2018-10-17)

  • Part 1 - Rewiring for Happiness and Freedom (2018-10-10)

  • Meditation: Coming Home with the Breath (2018-10-10)

  • The Sacred Pause

  • Ten-Minute Basic Meditation Practice

  • Part 2: Impermanence - Awakening Through Insecurity

  • Reflection: Learning to Stay

  • Part 1: Impermanence - Awakening Through Insecurity

  • Meditation: Opening to the Flow

  • Part 2: Awakening through Anger - The U-Turn to Freedom (2015-11-18)

  • Meditation: Breathing Our Way to Peace & Freedom

  • Part 1: Awakening through Anger - The U-Turn to Freedom

  • Meditation: The Heartspace that is Home

  • Part 2: Vulnerability, Intimacy, & Spiritual Awakening

  • Meditation: Awakening Our Energy Body

  • Part 1: Vulnerability, Intimacy, & Spiritual Awakening

  • Meditation: Awake & Open Awareness

  • Discovering the Power of Prayer (2018-08-15)

  • Meditation: Presence and Breath (2018-08-15)

  • Healing Depression with Meditation - Part 2 (2018-08-08)

  • Meditation: Letting Go of Doing (2018-08-11)

  • Healing Depression with Meditation - Part 1 (2018-08-01)

  • Meditation: Refuge in Living Presence (2018-08-01)

  • Saying “Yes” - Meeting Your Edge and Softening (2018-07-25)

  • Meditation: Saying Yes to Life (2018-07-25)

  • What Is It Like Being You? (2018-07-18)

  • Meditation: Breath by Breath - Inviting Relaxation and Ease (2018-07-18)

  • Part 2 - From Human Doing to Human Being (2018-07-11)

  • Meditation: Natural, Open Awareness (2018-07-11)

  • Skeleton Woman: Embracing This Living and Dying World

  • Meditation: Blessings of Love

  • Evolving Beyond “Unreal Othering" (2018-06-27)

  • Meditation: Opening to the Waves (2018-06-27)

  • Landlocked in Fur – Three Domains of Formless Presence (Retreat Talk)

  • Meditation: The Silence That's Listening (from retreat)

  • Short Talk and Meditation: Spacious, Loving Awareness (retreat)

  • Heart Meditation: Forgiving and Freeing Our Hearts (retreat)

  • Disarming Our Hearts: Letting Go of Blame (retreat talk)

  • Instruction & Meditation: Tonglen - Radical Compassion (retreat talk)

  • From Human Doing to Human Being (2018-05-30)

  • Meditation: Aliveness and Presence (2018-05-30)

  • Seeing Basic Goodness - Part 2 (2018-05-23)

  • Meditation: Lighting Up Your Energy Body (2018-05-23)

  • Seeing Basic Goodness - Part 1 (2018-05-16)

  • Meditation: Resting in Breath, Relaxing into Life (2018-05-16)

  • Eating Addiction: How Meditation Helps Free Us (2018-05-09)

  • Meditation: Intimacy with Life (2018-05-09)

  • After the RAIN (retreat talk) (2018-04-29)

  • Meditation: Morning on Retreat (2018-05-01)

  • Responding to Change with a Wise Heart (2018-04-25)

  • Meditation: Cultivating a Clear and Relaxed Presence (2018-04-25)

  • Listening with an Awake Heart - Part 2 (2018-04-18)

  • Meditation: Mind Like a Vast Sky (2018-04-18)

  • Listening with an Awake Heart - Part 1 (2018-04-11)

  • Meditation: A Listening, Receptive Awareness (2018-04-11)

  • From Head to Heart (2018-04-04)

  • Meditation: Awareness and Flow (2018-04-04)

  • Namaste: Seeing the Truth of Who We Are (2018-03-28)

  • Meditation: Continuous Space Suffused with Awareness (2018-03-28)

  • Trusting Who We Are (retreat talk) - (2017-12-30)

  • Meditation and Short Talk: Basic Elements of a Mindfulness Meditation Sitting (retreat)

  • Part 2 - Awakening our Body’s Awareness (2018-03-14)

  • Meditation: Inhabiting Our Body, Realizing Wholeness (2018-03-14)

  • Part 1 - Awakening our Body’s Awareness (2018-03-07)

  • Meditation: Homecoming with the Breath (2018-03-07)

  • Part 4 - Equanimity - Present Heart - Universal Expressions of Love (2018-02-28)

  • Meditation: The Space and Aliveness of Presence (2018-02-28)

  • Part 3 - Joy - Present Heart: The Universal Expressions of Love (2018-02-21)

  • Meditation: The Heartspace Where All is Welcome (2018-02-21)

  • Part 2 - Compassion - Present Heart: The Universal Expressions of Love (2018-02-14)

  • Meditation: Awareness Is Our Home (2018-02-14)

  • Part 1 ~ Present Heart: The Universal Expressions of Love (2018-02-07}

  • Meditation: Living Presence (2018-02-07)

  • Part 3 - Freedom from Othering: Undoing the Myths that Imprison Us (2018-01-31)

  • Meditation: Beyond the Veil of Thinking (2018-01-31)

  • Part 2 - Freedom from Othering: Undoing the Myths that Imprison Us (2018-01-24)

  • Meditation: Resting in Reality (2018-01-24)

  • Part 1 - Freedom from Othering: Undoing the Myths that Imprison Us (2018-01-17)

  • Meditation: Receiving Life with an Open Awareness (2018-01-17)

  • Winds of Homecoming: How Intention Frees our Heart (2018-01-10)

  • Meditation: Space and Aliveness and Awareness (2018-01-10)

  • Three Gateways to Peace and Freedom (2018-01-03)

  • New Year's Meditation: Awakening Loving Presence (2018-01-03)

  • Remembering and Choosing Loving Presence (retreat talk) (2017-12-28)

  • Meditation: Basic Body Scan (2017-12-28)

  • My Religion is Kindness – Part 2 (2017-12-20)

  • Meditation: “Yes” to Life (2017-12-20)

  • Meditation: Transforming Fear (2017-12-06)

  • My Religion is Kindness - Part 1 (2017-12-13)

  • Meditation: Boundless, Loving Awareness (2017-12-13)

  • Awakening from the Trance of Fear - Part 2 (2017-12-06)

  • Meditation: Alert Inner Stillness (2017-12-06)

  • Awakening from the Trance of Fear - Part 1 (2017-11-29)

  • Meditation: Breath by Breath (2017-11-29)

  • A Grateful, Giving, Happy Heart (2017-11-22)

  • Meditation: Relax Into Happiness (2017-11-22)

  • The Gift of Silence

  • Meditation: The Silence That is Listening

  • Power of Prayer: From Longing to Belonging (2017-11-08)

  • Meditation: Relaxed Attentiveness (2017-11-08)

  • Accessing Innate Wisdom

  • Reflection: Cultivating a Loving Heart (2017-08-30)

  • Anger: Responding, Not Reacting (2017-10-25)

  • Meditation: Refuge in Presence (2017-10-25)

  • Embodied Spirit - Mindfulness of the Body

  • Meditation: Awakening Compassion with Tonglen

  • River of Change - Part 2 - Bringing a Wise Heart to this Impermanent Life (2017-10-11)

  • Meditation: Present Heart (2017-10-11)

  • River of Change - Part 1 - Bringing a Wise Heart to this Impermanent Life (2017-10-04)

  • Meditation - Saying “Yes” to Life (2017-10-04)

  • Transforming Two Fears: FOF and FOMO

  • Meditation: Blessings of Love

  • From Dragons to Schmoos – Meeting Life with Compassionate Presence

  • Meditation: Coming Home to Openhearted Awareness

  • Reflection: Transforming Suffering and Awakening the Heart

  • Trusting Your Basic Goodness - Part 2

  • Meditation: Coming Home to Being

  • Basic Trust - Part 1

  • Meditation: Choosing Living Presence

  • True Resilience: Part 2 - Awakening through All Circumstances (2017-08-30)

  • Meditation: Present Heartspace

  • Darkness of the Womb – Four Key Steps in Transforming Suffering

  • 30-Minute Meditation: Open Awareness - Relaxing Back into Presence

  • True Resilience - Pt1 - Awakening through All Circumstances (2017-08-16)

  • Meditation: Filling our Body with Love (2017-08-16)

  • Three Blessings in Spiritual Life - Part 3 - The Mirror (2017-08-09)

  • Meditation: Listening to Life (2017-08-09)

  • Three Blessings in Spiritual Life - Part 2 - Inner Fire (2017-08-02)

  • Meditation: Open Awareness - Relaxing Back into Presence (2017-08-02)

  • Three Blessings in Spiritual Life - Part I - (2017-07-26)

  • Meditation - Living Presence (2017-07-26)

  • Love is Always Here (2017-07-19)

  • Meditation: Relaxing into Sleep (no bell at end) (2017-07-19)

  • Meditation - Relaxing into Presence (with bell) (2017-07-19)

  • Radical Self-Honesty: The Joy of Getting Real

  • Meditation: Relaxing with a Smile into Living Presence (15 min)

  • Meditation: Entering the Wilderness (2017-07-05) (6 min)

  • Part 2: Refuge in the Wilderness - Coming Home to Embodied Presence

  • Part 1: Refuge in the Wilderness - Coming Home to Embodied Presence (2017-06-28)

  • Meditation: Opening to Full Aliveness (2017-06-28)

  • Stories that Imprison our Heart - Part 2 (2017-06-21)

  • Meditation: Arriving in Embodied Presence (retreat) (2017-04-30)

  • Stories that Imprison our Heart - Part 1 (2017-06-14)

  • Meditation: Homecoming to Our Life Breath (2017-06-14)

  • Happiness is Possible: De-conditioning the Negativity Bias – Part 2 (2017-06-07)

  • Meditation: Home to Awake Awareness (2017-06-07)

  • Happiness is Possible: De-conditioning the Negativity Bias - Part 1 (2017-05-31)

  • Meditation: The Breath - Portal to Presence (2017-05-31)

  • Instruction and Question-Response during Retreat (2017-05-02)

  • The Reality of Change: Embracing this Living Dying World (2017-05-24)

  • Meditation: Opening to the River of Aliveness (2017-05-24)

  • Radical-Compassion - Part 2 (2017-05-10)

  • Instruction & Meditation: A Forgiving Heart (from retreat) (2017-05-02)

  • Radical Compassion - Part 1 (retreat talk) (2017-04-30)

  • Meditation: Breathing Our Way to Peace and Freedom (2017-05-10)

  • Relaxing the Over-Controller - Part 2 (2017-05-03) (retreat talk)

  • Meditation: Know That You're Here, Right Here (2017-04-29)

  • Relaxing the Over-Controller - Part 1 (2017-04-26)

  • Meditation: The Center of Now (2017-04-26)

  • Ask the Friend for Love

  • Meditation: The Heartspace That is Home

  • Sure Heart's Release

  • Guided Heart Meditation: Loving Presence - from Retreat

  • Soul Recognition: The Practice of Namaste (2017-04-05)

  • Meditation: Awakening through the Inner Body (2017-04-05)

  • Healing Addiction: De-conditioning the Hungry Ghosts (2017-03-22)

  • Meditation: Loving Presence - with smile body scan (2017-03-29)

  • Taking "The Exquisite Risk:" An Undefended Heart (2017-03-22)

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Full Presence (2017-03-22)

  • Reflection - The Compass of Our Heart (2017-03-15)

  • Realizing Your Deepest Desires (2017-03-15)

  • Meditation: Letting Thought Clouds Come and Go (2017-03-15)

  • Healing Trauma: The Light Shines Through the Broken Places

  • Meditation - Getting Lost and Coming Back Here (2017-03-08)

  • Listening to the Song - Part 2 (2017-03-01)

  • Meditation: A Sky-Like Mind (2017-03-01)

  • Listening to the Song - Part 1 (2017-02-22)

  • Reflection: Heart Wisdom of Your Future Self

  • Being Truthful (2017-02-15)

  • Meditation - Sitting Like a Mountain (2017-02-15)

  • Trusting Our Awakening Heart (2017-02-08)

  • Meditation: At Home in the Moment (2017-02-08)

  • Love, and Death - Retreat Talk (2016-12-29)

  • Retreat Meditation: A Liberating Awareness - Embodying Full Presence (2016-12-30)

  • Darkness of the Womb - Four Key Steps in Transforming Suffering (2017-01-25)

  • Meditation - The Return to Presence: Rest Your Mind In What Is (2017-01-25)

  • Your Awake Heart Is Calling You (2017-01-18)

  • Meditation: Awakening Compassion (2016-11-23)

  • Meditation: A Witnessing, Kind Presence (2017-01-18)

  • Dissolving Trance with RAIN (2017-01-11)

  • Meditation: Cultivating a Relaxed Attention (2017-01-11)

  • Heart Meditation: Awakening Loving Presence (2016-12-31)

  • Refuge in Truth, Love and Awareness (2017-01-04)

  • Meditation: Quieting the Mind (2017-01-04)

  • Don't Know Mind (a talk from June 10, 2009)

  • Meditation: A Listening Presence with Smile Body Scan (2016-11-10)

  • Question and Response: Heart Practices - (2016-11-05)

  • Heart Meditation with Instructions: Taking in the Goodness (2016-11-05)

  • The Revolution of Tenderness - Part 2 (2016-12-21)

  • Meditation: Breathing into Presence (2016-12-21)

  • The Revolution of Tenderness - Part 1 (2016-12-14)

  • Meditation - Awake Awareness is our Home (2016-12-14)

  • Spiritual Reparenting (2016-12-07)

  • Meditation - Relaxing Back into Living Presence

  • Trusting the Gold (retreat talk)

  • Heart Meditation: Taking in the Goodness (retreat)

  • Part 2 - "Play a Greater Part" - Bodhisattva for our Times

  • Meditation: Vipassana - 20 min - Opening Our Hearts to Life as It Is

  • "Play a Greater Part" - Bodhisattva for Our Times - Pt1 (2016-11-16)

  • Meditation: Vipassana (Mindfulness or Insight)

  • The Wings of Awakening - Self-Honesty and Love (retreat talk) (2016-11-06)

  • Starting a Meditation - with No Bell at the End (2016-11-05)

  • Awakening Consciousness in Shadowy Times - Part 2 (2016-11-02)

  • Meditation: Cultivating a Mindful Awareness (2016-11-02)

  • Awakening Consciousness in Shadowy Times (2016-10-26)

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Presence (2016-10-26)

  • Reflection: Deepening the Truths We Share (2016-10-19)

  • Seeking What’s True – Within Ourselves, Beyond Our Self, With Each Other – (Part 3 of 3)

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back and Saying Yes to the Moment (2016-10-19)

  • Meditation: Awake, Openhearted Awareness (2016-10-12)

  • Seeking What's True - Pt 2 of 3 (2016-10-12)

  • Meditation: Breath and Presence (2016-10-12)

  • Seeking What's True - Pt 1 of 3 (2016-10-05)

  • Meditation - Receiving Life in Open Awareness (2016-10-05)

  • Spiritual Empowerment (2016-09-28)

  • Meditation: Receiving This Life in Awareness

  • Realizing Our Undefended and Awakened Heart (retreat talk)

  • Meditation: Listening to and Feeling Our Life

  • The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Working with Attachments and Addictions

  • Retreat - Morning Instruction - RAIN - Q and A (2016-08-27)

  • Trusting Our Hearts

  • On Deepening Our Meditation and Guided Meditation from Retreat

  • Reflection: Your Future Self (2016-08-24)

  • Letting Go: The Freedom of Awake Awareness

  • Meditation: Awakening Our Energy Body

  • Your Future Self: Turning Towards Your Awakened HeartMind

  • Meditation: Coming Home to Openhearted Awareness (2016-08-24)

  • How Hope Can Heal and Free Us - Part 2 (2016-08-17)

  • Meditation: Receiving Life in Open, Awake Awareness (2016-08-17)

  • How Hope Can Heal and Free Us - Part 1 (2016-08-10)

  • Meditation: Awakening Our Full Aliveness (2016-08-10)

  • Meditation: Guided Heart Forgiveness Practice (from retreat)

  • Wise Investigation: Dissolving the Trance

  • Meditation: Invitation to Practice (no bell at end)

  • Loving the Life Within Us (retreat talk)

  • Meditation: Spacious Sky of Awareness (2015-12-29) (retreat)

  • That Bird Got My Wings (from 2015-07-22)

  • Brief Meditation: Arriving in Mindful Presence - 5 min (2016-05-18)

  • Fear as a Pathway to Loving Presence - Night Travelers (retreat) (2016-05-08)

  • Brief Meditation: Arriving in Mindful Presence (1 minute) - (2016-07-13)

  • Stress and Everyday Nirvana - Part 2 (2016-07-06)

  • Meditation: Rest in Awake Awareness (2016-07-06)

  • Stress and Everyday Nirvana - Part 1 (2016-06-29)

  • Meditation: Letting Life Live Through You

  • Reconnecting with Our Lives - Healing from Dissociation (2016-06-22)

  • Meditation: Know That You're Here (2016-06-22)

  • Morning Question and Response on Retreat (2016-05-11)

  • Remembering What Matters - Aspiration and Intention (from 2013-01-30)

  • Meditation: Gladdening the Mind (2016-05-12) (from retreat)

  • Three Gestures of Love (2016-06-08)

  • Meditation: The Mystery of Aliveness - from retreat (2016-05-09)

  • Reflection: Waking Up from Limiting Beliefs (2016-06-01)

  • Real But Not True: Freeing Ourselves from Harmful Beliefs (2016-06-01)

  • Meditation: The Silence That is Listening (2016-06-01)

  • Morning Questions and Response from Retreat (2016-05-09)

  • Happy for No Reason - Part 2 (2016-05-25)

  • Meditation: Living Presence with Body Scan (2016-05-25)

  • Happy for No Reason - Part 1 (2016-05-18)

  • Meditation: Letting Life Live through You (2016-05-18)

  • Conscious Prayer: Finding Refuge in Loving Presence (Retreat talk) (2016-05-11)

  • Meditation: Basic Body and Breath Scan - from retreat (2016-05-07)

  • RAIN of Forgiveness (2015-05-05)

  • Meditation: Collecting and Quieting the Mind (2016-05-04)

  • Meditation: Spacious Clear Awareness (2016-04-20) (23 min)

  • Listening with an Awake Heart (2016-04-27)

  • Meditation: Awareness - Listening To and Feeling the Moment (2016-04-27)

  • Love is Always Loving Us (2016-04-20)

  • Meditation: Spacious Clear Awareness (2016-04-20)

  • Releasing Self-Blame - Pathways to a Forgiving Heart (2016-04-13)

  • Meditation: Vipassana - Practice of Seeing Clearly (2016-04-13)

  • Healing Self-Doubt (2013-10-30)

  • Meditation: Awakening an Intimate Presence (2016-04-06)

  • Embodied Awareness - Pain and Living Fully - Part 3 (2016-03-30)

  • Meditation: The Pathway of Deep Listening (2016-03-30)

  • Reflection: RAIN - A Guide for Embodied Presence (2013-03-23)

  • Reflection: This Living Body - Our Portal to Freedom (2016-03-23)

  • Embodied Awareness - Embracing the Unlived Life - Part 2 (2016-03-23)

  • Meditation: Living Presence (2016-03-23) (20:01 min)

  • Reflection: Awakening through Conflict (13 min)

  • Practical Dharma for Stressful Times (2016-03-16)

  • Meditation: Touching Peace - with a Smile (2015-08-19)

  • Embodied Awareness - Embracing Unlived Life - Part 1 (2016-03-09)

  • Reflection: RAIN - Entering the Wilderness (2016-03-09)

  • Meditation: Embodied Awareness (2016-03-09)

  • Bodhichitta - The Awakened Heart - Part 2 (2016-03-02)

  • Meditation: Awakening the Heart - Giving and Receiving Loving Blessings (2016-03-02)

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Open Wakefulness (2016-03-02)

  • Bodhichitta - The Awakened Heart - Part 1 (2016-02-24)

  • Meditation: Blessings of Love (2016-02-24)

  • Meditation: The Center of Now (2016-02-24)

  • The Power of Inquiry in Spiritual Awakening - Part 2 (2016-02-17)

  • Meditation: Embodied Awareness (2016-02-17)

  • Reflection: The Power of Inquiry - Untangling Emotional Tangles (2016-02-10)

  • The Power of Inquiry in Spiritual Awakening - Part 1 (2016-02-10)

  • Meditation: Inhabiting Awake Awareness with Intro (2016-02-10)

  • Meditation: Inhabiting Awake Awareness

  • Three Attitudes that Nourish a Liberating Practice (2016-02-03)

  • Meditation - Space, Aliveness and Letting Be (2016-02-03)

  • Part 2: Three Blessings on the Journey

  • Meditation: Center of Now (2012-02-01)

  • Part 1: Three Blessings on the Journey

  • Morning Meditation Instruction with Question and Response (retreat)(14 min)

  • Widening the Circles of Compassion (retreat talk) (2015-12-31)

  • Meditation: RAIN of Compassion (retreat) (2015-12-29)

  • Gateways of Remembrance: The Three Refuges (2016-01-06)

  • Meditation: Relaxing Open (2016-01-06)

  • The Power of Mindful Investigation (from 2010-09-22)

  • Meditation: Letting Life Be (from 2010-09-22)

  • Meditation: Seeing the Goodness (2015-12-23) (6:11 min)

  • Reflection: Learning to Stay (2015-12-23) (4:30 min)

  • Secret Beauty - Solstice Talk (2015-12-23)

  • Meditation: Awaken to HeartSpace (2015-12-23)

  • Meditation: The RAIN of Self-Compassion (2015-12-16)

  • The RAIN of Self-Compassion (2015-12-16)

  • Meditation: Aliveness, Space and Awareness (2015-12-16)

  • Desire: A Current of Homecoming (2015-12-09)

  • Meditation: Calming and Opening (2015-12-09)

  • Meditation: Choosing Living Presence

  • Loving Life, Loving Earth

  • Feeling Gratitude, Giving Love (2015-11-25)

  • Meditation: Awake and Open Awareness (2015-11-25)

  • Meditation: Awake and Open Awareness (with Oms) (2015-11-25)

  • Heart Meditation: Loving Presence (from retreat)(2015-10-12)

  • Part 2: Awakening through Anger - The U-Turn to Freedom (2015-11-18)

  • Instructions on Working with Trauma - Q and A from Retreat (2015-04-20)

  • Part 1: Awakening through Anger - The U-Turn to Freedom (2015-11-11)

  • Meditation: The Heartspace That is Home (2015-11-11)

  • Compass of Our Heart (2015-11-04)

  • 2015-10-10-Morning-Instruction-and-Meditation (from retreat)

  • Relating Wisely with Imperfection (2015-10-28)

  • Meditation: A Healing Breath (2015-10-28)

  • Awakening Beyond Self (2015-10-21)

  • Meditation: Letting Life Be As It Is (2015-10-21)

  • Ten-Minute Basic Meditation Practice (from retreat) (2015-10-10)

  • Freeing Ourselves by Loving Ourselves (retreat talk) (2015-10-11)

  • Retreat Meditation: Radiant Empty Heart (2015-10-15)

  • Trusting Ourselves, Trusting Life (2015-10-07)

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Presence (2015-10-07)

  • The Sacred Pause (2015-09-30)

  • Meditation: Opening to the Mystery (2015-09-30)

  • Genuine Acceptance (2009-08-26)

  • Guided Meditation: Center of Now - with Body Scan (2011-02-16)

  • Letting Go of Judgment (retreat talk) (2015-09-05)

  • Heart Meditation: Letting Go of Judgment (2015-09-05) (retreat)

  • Releasing Limiting Beliefs (2015-09-09)

  • Meditation: Simplicity of Presence (2015-09-09)

  • Learning to Respond, Not React (2015-09-02)

  • Meditation - Cultivating an Intimate Presence (2015-09-02)

  • Awakening from the Trance - Embracing Unlived Life (2015-08-26)

  • Meditation: Opening to the Sea of Presence (2015-08-26)

  • Transforming Two Fears: FOF and FOMO (2015-08-19)

  • Meditation: Touching Peace (2015-08-19)

  • Meditation: "Smile Meditation" (2010-07-07)

  • Radical Acceptance Revisited (2015-08-12)

  • Meditation - The Sky-like Mind (2015-08-12)

  • The Sacred Art of Listening (2015-08-05)

  • Meditation: Relaxing, Breathing, Opening (2015-08-05)

  • The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Working with Attachments and Addictions (2015-07-29)

  • "Coming Back" - Meditation Instructions with Q and A (from retreat) (2015-06-26)

  • Meditation - Relaxing Back into Wakeful Openness (2015-07-22)

  • That Bird Got My Wings (2015-07-22)

  • Unfolding of the Sacred Feminine (retreat) (2015-06-26)

  • Heart Meditation: Three Domains of Forgiveness (retreat) (2015-06-27)

  • The Dance with Pain (2015-07-08)

  • Meditation: Presence, Breath, Full Aliveness (2015-07-08)

  • Part 2: Devotional Practices (2015-07-01)

  • Meditation: Relaxing into the Flow (2015-07-01)

  • Part 1: Devotional Practices (2015-06-24)

  • Beloved Community (2015-06-17)

  • Meditation: Relaxing Open into Full Presence (2015-06-17)

  • Part 2: Beyond the Fear Body (2015-06-10)

  • Meditation: Resting in Knowing (2015-06-10)

  • Part 1: Beyond the Fear Body (2015-06-03)

  • Meditation - Relaxing Open into Presence (2015-06-03)

  • The Two Wings of Awareness (2015-05-27)

  • Meditation - Living Presence (2015-05-27)

  • Part 2: Impermanence - Awakening Through Insecurity (2015-05-20)

  • Meditation: Entering the Flow (2015-05-20)

  • Part 1: Impermanence - Awakening Through Insecurity (2015-05-13)

  • Meditation: Opening to the Flow (2015-05-13)

  • Namaste - Seeing the Sacred that Lives through All Beings (2015-04-23)

  • Meditation: Forgiving Ourselves and Others (2015-04-19)

  • 2012-03-28 - Attend and Befriend: Healing the Fear Body

  • 2015-04-29 - Investigating Reality - Beyond an Interpreted World

  • 2015-04-20 - Meditation: Vipassana witih Instruction (from retreat)

  • Retreat Talk - Loving Yourself into Freedom

  • 2015-04-22 - Meditation - Letting Life Be, Just As It Is

  • 2015-04-15 - True Happiness - Realizing Well Being

  • 2015-04-15 - Meditation: Relaxing, Smiling, Being Here

  • 2015-04-08 - Three Liberating Gifts: Part 3 - Looking in the Mirror

  • 2015-04-08 - Meditation: Coming Home to the Senses

  • 2015-04-01 - Three Liberating Gifts: Part 2 - Inner Fire

  • 2015-04-01 - Meditation: Listening to and Feeling Life

  • 2015-03-25 - Three Liberating Gifts: Part 1 - Forgiveness

  • 2015-03-25 - Meditation: Relaxing Back into Presence

  • 2015-03-18 - Freedom from Fear-Based Beliefs

  • 2015-03-18 - Meditation: Awakening from the Dream

  • 2009-08-26 - Genuine Acceptance

  • 2011-11-09 - Meditation - Discovering Inner Space

  • 2015-03-04 - Sure Heart's Release

  • 2015-03-04 - Meditation: Open Wakeful Presence

  • 2015-02-25 - From Dragons to Schmoos - Meeting Life with Compassionate Presence

  • 2015-02-25 - Meditation: Resting in Wakeful Presence

  • 2015-02-18 - Part 2: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice

  • 2015-02-18 - Meditation: Body Scan - Living Presence

  • 2015-02-18 - Meditation: Body Scan - Living Presence - 11 minutes

  • 2015-02-11 - Part 1: Basic Elements of Meditation Practice

  • 2015-02-11 - Meditation - Coming Back to the Breath

  • 2014-12-31-Retreat Meditation - Forgiving Ourselves and Others

  • 2015-01-28 - Inhabiting Our Bodies with Presence

  • 2015-01-28 - Meditation: Living Presence

  • 2015-01-21 - Listening to the Calling of Our Hearts

  • 2015-01-21 - Meditation: Awake Space - Relaxing Back Into Awareness

  • 2015-01-14 Refuge in Loving Relationship

  • 2015-01-14 - Meditation: Relaxing Back and Letting Life Be As It Is

  • 2015-01-07 - Taking Refuge in Your Own True Nature

  • 2015-01-07 - Meditation: Living Open Presence

  • 2014-12-30 - (retreat talk) Landlocked in Fur - Three Domains of Formless Presence

  • 2014-12-30 Meditation - The Luminous Space of Awareness (retreat)

  • 2014-08-02 - (retreat talk) Embodying Loving Presence

  • 2014-12-17 - Part 2: Intimacy with Life

  • 2014-12-17 - Meditation: Light of Awareness

  • 2014-12-10 - Part 1: Intimacy with Life

  • 2014-12-10 - Meditation: Intimacy with the Flow of Life

  • 2014-10-30-Retreat Talk - Removing the Barriers to Love

  • 2014-11-26 - A Generous Heart

  • 2014-11-26 - Guided Meditation - The Space of Awareness

  • 2014-11-19 - Awakening Through Change and Loss

  • 2014-11-19 - Meditation - Opening to Life's Flow

  • 2014-11-12 The Sacred Art of Listening

  • 2014-11-12 Meditation - Listening to Life

  • 2014-11-05 Radical Self-Honesty - The Joy of Getting Real

  • 2014-11-05 Meditation - Relaxing into Living Presence

  • 2014-10-26 - Retreat Talk - Sacred Fertilizer - The Portal of Fear

  • 2014-10-22-Part 2 - Happiness

  • 2014-10-22-Meditation - Opening to Full Aliveness

  • 2014-10-15 - Part 1 - Happiness

  • 2014-10-15 Meditation - Coming Back to Your Senses

  • 2014-10-08 - Part 2 - Unconditional Love

  • 2014-10-08 - Meditation - Loving Kindness

  • 2014-10-01 - Part 1 - Unconditional Love

  • 2014-10-01 - Meditation - Listening to and Feeling Our Life

  • 2014-09-24 - Awakening from the Landlocked Self

  • 2014-09-24 Meditation - Befriending and Opening to Life

  • 2014-09-17 - Earth's Crisis - On the Edge of the Roof

  • 2014-09-17-Meditation - Opening to Aliveness

  • 2013-10-14 - Satsang - Peace is this Moment

  • 2011-12-31 - Meditation - Awakening Compassion - Tonglen

  • 2013-05-13 - Question and Response at Satsang

  • 2011-04-13-Metta Meditation - Happiness

  • 2013-05-29-Meditation-Just-This-Breath-TaraBrach-hq.mp3

  • 2014-08-27 - Loving Truth - The Power of Investigation

  • 2014-08-27 - Meditation - Space and Aliveness

  • 2014-08-20 Bringing Awareness to Doing

  • 2014-08-20 Guided Meditation - Emptiness Dancing

  • 2014-08-13 - Listening to the Song

  • 2014-08-13-Guided Meditation - Coming Home to Being

  • Nuestra verdadera naturaleza

  • Regresando a la presencia natural

  • Invocando una presencia apacible

  • Cultivando un corazon dispuesto a perdonar

  • Tonglen

  • Aceptación radical del dolor

  • Afrontar la vida con una sonrisa

  • 2014-08-06 - Part 2 - Trusting Your Basic Goodness

  • 2014-08-06-Meditation: Entrusting Yourself to the Waves

  • 2014-07-30 - Part 1 - Basic Trust

  • Meditation: Embodied Awareness

  • An Evening of Inquiry

  • Meditation: Coming Home to Your Breath

  • Nourishing a Liberating Intention

  • Guided Meditation: Awake, Relaxed and Open

  • Blessings of Soul Recognition

  • Guided Meditation: Relaxing Back

  • Awakening through Conscious Relationship

  • Meditation: Resting as Awareness

  • Freedom and Happiness in Daily Life

  • Guided Meditation: Stand Still (standing meditation instructions)

  • Awakening from Virtual Reality

  • Meditation: Letting Life Live through You

  • Meditation: Inner Space-Gateway to Open Awareness

  • Meditation: Arriving in Presence

  • Meditation: Coming Home to Presence

  • Humility

  • Meditation: Dedicated to Maya Angelou: Being at Home

  • Heart Training on the Bodhisatva Path

  • Question and Response

  • Guided Meditation: Vipassana Instructions

  • Am I Dreaming? (retreat talk)

  • Part 2: Conflict - From Fight Flight Freeze to Attend Befriend

  • Meditation: Relaxing Back into Wakeful Openness

  • Awakening Through Conflict

  • Meditation - Listening to and Feeling the Moment

  • RAIN - Cultivating a Mindful Awareness

  • Guided Meditation: Breath as Homebase

  • Guided Meditation: Metta (Lovingkindness)

  • Loving and Losing

  • Guided Meditation: Living Presence

  • Guided Meditation: Arriving in Presence

  • Stress and Our Evolving Consciousness

  • Guided Meditation: Connecting with Aliveness and Openness

  • Planting Ourselves in the Universe

  • Guided Meditation: Relaxing into Presence

  • Return of the Prodigal Son

  • Meditation: Letting Life Live Through You

  • Part 5 - Equanimity - A Heart That is Ready for Anything

  • Guided Meditation: Cultivating a Relaxed Attentiveness

  • Part 4: Opening to Joy

  • Meditation: Dynamic Presence

  • Guided Forgiveness Meditation

  • Part 3: A Forgiving Heart

  • Meditation: A Healing Breath

  • Part 2: Heart of Compassion

  • 2014-02-19 - Guided Meditation: Into Stillness

  • Mindfulness-In-Schools-TimRyan.mp3

  • 2013-10-07 - Mindfulness-In-Schools-TaraBrach.mp3

  • 2014-02-05 - Part 1: Universal Faces of Love

  • Guided Meditation: Listening to and Feeling the Moment (2)

  • Awakening from Virtual Reality (retreat talk)

  • Guided Meditation: Lovingkindness (metta) (from retreat)

  • Listening to the Song

  • Guided Meditation: A Listening Presence

  • Realizing Our Undefended and Awakened Heart (retreat talk)

  • Walking Meditation Instructions (from retreat)

  • Path of True Refuge

  • Guided Meditation: Refuge in Living Presence

  • Part 2: The Sure Heart's Release

  • Guided Meditation: The Center of Now - Includes Body Scan

  • Guided Meditation: The Sky of Awareness

  • Part 1: The Sure Heart's Release

  • Part 2: Evolving Toward Unconditional Love

  • Guided Meditation: Being Presence 2

  • Part 1: Evolving Toward Unconditional Love

  • Guided Meditation: Space & Aliveness

  • Wings of Homecoming (retreat talk)

  • The Evolving of Generosity

  • Guided Meditation: Listening to & Feeling the Moment

  • Accessing Innate Wisdom

  • Guided Meditation: Choiceless Awareness

  • Part 2: Vulnerability, Intimacy, & Spiritual Awakening

  • Guided Meditation: Breath & Presence

  • Part 1: Vulnerability, Intimacy, & Spiritual Awakening

  • Guided Meditation: Continuous Space, Filled with Awareness

  • Healing Self-Doubt

  • Guided Meditation: Relaxing Back into Presence

  • Guided Forgiveness Practice (retreat)

  • The Heartspace That is Our True Home (retreat talk)

  • Part 2: Happiness

  • Guided Meditation: Listening to, and Feeling, the Moment

  • Part 1: Happiness

  • Guided Meditation: Being Presence

  • Loving Life, Loving Earth

  • Guided Meditation: Choosing Living Presence

  • Part 2: Entering the Wilderness

  • Vipassana (Insight or Mindfulness) Meditation

  • Part 1: Entering the Wilderness

  • Guided Meditation: Embodied Presence

  • Peace Work

  • Guided Meditation: Breath and Awareness

  • From Egoic to Unconditioned Loving

  • Guided Meditation - Letting Life Be As It Is

  • Part 2: Relating to the Fearsome Deities

  • Guided Meditation: Rest As Presence

  • Part 1: Relating to the Fearsome Deities

  • Guided Meditation: Resting As Awareness

  • The Gift of Silence - (from 2007)

  • Guided Meditation: Into the Stillness

  • True Belonging

  • Meditation: The Aliveness and Space of Presence

  • From Story to Presence

  • Meditation - Relaxing the Heart

  • Three Gestures of Love

  • Guided Meditation: A Listening, Receptive Presence

  • Introducción a la Meditación Parte 1: El Arte y Ciencia de la Meditación

  • Absolute Cooperation with the Inevitable

  • Meditation: Letting Life Be, Just As It is

  • Skeleton Woman: Embracing This Living and Dying World

  • Guided Meditation: Embodied Spirit

  • Part 2: Hope and the Spiritual Path

  • Guided Meditation: Beingness and Aliveness

  • Guided Meditation: The Dance of Aliveness

  • Part 1: Hope and the Spiritual Path

  • The Bodisattva Path: Widening Circles of Compassion

  • Awakening from Virtual Reality

  • Longing to Belong

  • Practicing Meditation: "Getting Out of Your Own Way"

  • Being to Being - Loving Beyond the Trance

  • 2013-05-15 Guided Meditation: Open, Wakeful Presence

  • Releasing the Barriers to Unconditional Loving

  • 2013-05-08-Meditation-Coming-Home-to-Being

  • Remembering Being

  • Loving Ourselves (Retreat Talk)

  • Letting Go Into Living and Dying

  • 2013-04-17 - Entering the Mystery

  • Heavenly Messengers

  • Part 3: Three Blessings - Looking Into the Mirror

  • Part 2: Three Blessings - Inner Fire

  • (retreat talk) Self Compassion

  • Part 1: Three Blessings of Awakening Consciousness

  • (retreat talk) Minting Gold - Embodying the Awakened Heart

  • The Fires of Loss

  • Beyond the Interpreted World

  • The Wings of a Liberating Presence

  • Embodying True Refuge--Serving and Savoring Life

  • Remembering What Matters

  • The God Whom I Love is Inside (2012-12-29) (retreat talk)

  • Stepping Out of the Cave

  • The Barriers to Loving Presence

  • Finding True Refuge

  • Meditation - Awakening Compassion (from retreat)

  • Turning Toward the Light

  • Forgiving Our Way to Freedom

  • A Forgiving Heart - Embracing our Inner Life

  • Guided Meditation - A Forgiving Heart

  • Gratitude and Generosity - Markings of Inner Freedom

  • Hands Off the Controls

  • Practical Dharma for Stressful Times

  • Loving the Life Within Us (retreat talk)

  • Wise Investigation: Dissolving the Trance

  • Question and Response with Tara

  • Part 2 - Wise Intention--Living in Truth

  • Part 1 - Wise Intention--the Compass of our Hearts

  • Part 2 - Embodied Spirit

  • Part 1 - Embodied Spirit

  • The Freedom of Yes

  • Trance of the Unreal Other

  • Intimacy with Our Inner Life

  • Part 2 - 1000 Serious Moves

  • 1000 Serious Moves

  • Real But Not True

  • Back to the Garden

  • Listening with an Awake Heart

  • (retreat talk) Our True Nature--Emptiness Dancing

  • (from Retreat) Introduction to the Heart Practices

  • Part 2 - Freedom: Taking the Backward Step

  • Part 1 - Freedom: Seeing Who is Looking Through the Mask

  • Cultivating Equanimity (Duck Meditation)

  • Committing to Joy

  • Cultivating Compassion

  • Intimacy with Life - Awakening Love

  • Training for Intimacy with Life

  • Part 2: The Lion's Roar

  • Part 1: The Lion's Roar

  • Be Who You Are (Retreat Talk)

  • The World in Our Heart

  • Open Heart, Open Mind

  • A Mindful Nation

  • Beyond the Prison of Beliefs

  • Alchemy of Wise Effort in Spiritual Life

  • Flowering, From Within, of Self-Blessing

  • Freedom in the Midst of Difficulty

  • Embodied Presence: Gateway to Intimacy and Freedom

  • Opening the Lotus of Your Heart

  • Guided Meditation: Letting Life Live Through Us

  • Questions, Guided Meditation and Group Sharings

  • Part 2 - Three Blessings on the Journey

  • Part 1 - Three Blessings on the Journey

  • Part 2 - Trusting Your Basic Goodness

  • Part 1 - Trusting Your Basic Goodness

  • Taking Refuge

  • The Blessings of Embodied Presence

  • No Mud No Lotus

  • The Dance of Relational Trance

  • The Backward Step

  • Genuine Acceptance

  • Pathways to a Grateful Heart

  • Mindful Speech

  • The Space of Presence

  • Divine Abodes: Equanimity

  • Divine Abodes: Joy

  • Divine Abodes: Compassion

  • Unconditional Love for the Life Within

  • Divine Abodes: Lovingkindness

  • Causing No Harm

  • Part 2 - Do You Make Regular Visits to Yourself?

  • Part 1 - Do You Make Regular Visits to Yourself?

  • Finding The Juice Inside Fear

  • Befriending Irene

  • Wholehearted Living

  • The Gift of Silence

  • Relating Wisely to Desire

  • Learning to Respond, Not React

  • Part 2: The Mystery of Who We Are

  • The Mystery of Who We Are

  • The Joy of Conscious Relationships

  • Flow and Presence

  • Compass of the Heart

  • Presence and Empowerment

  • Soul Recognition - Seeing Past the Mask

  • The Art of Listening--Nourishing Loving Relationships

  • Part 2: Stress and Meditation

  • Part 1: Stress and Meditation

  • Stepping Out of Time

  • The Buddha's Spiritual Awakening

  • Remembering Love (Retreat Talk)

  • The Blessings of Embodied Awareness

  • Part 2 - Realizing True Well-being

  • Realizing True Well-being

  • Part 2: The Healing Power of Self-Compassion

  • Part 1: The Healing Power of Self-Compassion

  • Impermanence: the Gifts of Facing Reality

  • Trusting Our Secret Beauty

  • Healing into Life and Death

  • When We are Lost

  • Part 2 - The Sure Heart's Release

  • The Sure Heart's Release

  • Minting Gold (retreat talk)

  • Inviting Life's Difficulties to Tea

  • Evolving Consciousness--Beyond limiting Identities

  • Three Gateways to Freedom

  • Path of Transformation

  • The Grounds of Living Compassion

  • Seeing Beyond the Veil

  • Ask the Friend for Love

  • Meditation on Intention

  • A Listening Meditation

  • Loving Life: Gratitude and Generosity

  • A Listening Presence - Three Domains of Training

  • Releasing Karmic Patterns

  • Part 4 - Living From Presence - Introductory Series

  • Part 3 - Mindfulness of Thoughts - Introductory Series

  • Part 2 - Mindfulness of Emotions - Introductory Series

  • Part 1 - The Art and Science of Meditation - Introductory Series

  • The Path of Peace

  • Loving the Earth

  • Be All That You Are

  • Equanimity

  • Joy

  • Compassion - Responding to Suffering with Care

  • Metta - Lovingkindness

  • Blessings of a Forgiving Heart

  • Self-Forgiveness

  • Trusting Who We Are

  • Turning Towards What You Love

  • The True Revolution

  • The Power of Mind

  • Stress, Presence and Freedom

  • Gateways to Happiness

  • The Unreal Other

  • Part 2 - Relating Wisely with Fear

  • Part 1 - Relating Wisely with Fear

  • Desire and Spiritual Freedom

  • Relating Wisely to "Wanting Mind"

  • My Religion is Kindness

  • Embodied Spirit

  • True Belonging - Refuge in Presence and Relatedness

  • Part 2-Realizing Our Natural Joy

  • Part 1-Realizing Our Natural Joy

  • Beyond Small Self

  • Meditation and Healing Trauma

  • The Blessings of Deep Listening

  • Realizing Your True Nature--Four Reflections

  • 2008-07-09 - Three Attitudes that Awaken and Free Our Spirit

  • Trusting Your Basic Goodness

  • Living Aligned with the Heart

  • Soul Retrieval

  • Turning Towards What you Love

  • Listening to Our Life

  • Deepening Practice

  • Part 2 - Presence and Aliveness

  • Part 1 - Presence and Aliveness

  • Awakening to the Sacred

  • 2010-01-06 - Taking Refuge

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