SNAFU with Ed Helms

    Hosted by Ed Helms, SNAFU is a podcast about history's greatest screw-ups. This is Season 2: MEDBURG. The story of a daring heist that exposed a colossal FBI SNAFU.

  • Introducing GREATEST ESCAPES with Arturo Castro

  • Announcing the SNAFU Book!

  • Introducing Slow Burn: The Rise of Fox News

  • The FBI and Indigenous Movements with Nick Estes

  • Surveillance Now & Then with Loch Johnson

  • 8. Statute of Limitations

  • 7. The 'Do Not File' File

  • 6. Tin, Rubber, and Oil

  • 5. G-Men Are Coming to Town

  • 4. The Heist of the Century

  • 3. The Girl from Hartford

  • 2. Want to Come to a Party?

  • 1. The Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI

  • Introducing Season 2: MEDBURG

  • Introducing: Broomgate

  • BONUS: Forgotten History with Rachel Maddow

  • BONUS: Inside the KGB with Jack Barsky

  • BONUS: WarGaming with Matthew Broderick & John Badham

  • 8. World Gone M.A.D.

  • 7. Where the Mind Starts to Melt

  • 6. Redacted

  • 5. A Script for Nuclear War

  • 4. Dancing on a Razor’s Edge

  • 3. Two Spies Living Lies

  • 2. Will the Real Evil Empire Please Stand Up?

  • 1. Not All Fun and WarGames

  • Introducing: SNAFU with Ed Helms

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