Ch 33 Part 2: That Time My Dad and I Became Pirates of the Caribbean
Ch 33 Part 1: That Time My Dad and I Became Pirates of the Caribbean
Ch 32: That Time I Discovered Jack the Ripper's Identity
Ch 31: That Time I Found Out Who Assassinated JFK
Ch 30: That Time I Showed My Dad My Childhood
Ch 29: That Time My Dad and I Almost Got Sacrificed by the Aztecs
Ch 28: That Time Me and My Dad Nearly Exploded on the Hindenburg
Ch 27: That Time I Showed My Dad All My Best Adventures
Ch 26: That Time I Met Him Part 2
Ch 25: That Time I Met Him
Ch 24: That Time I Met Jesus
Ch 23: That Time I Went to the First Thanksgiving and Had Sex with an Indian
Ch 22: That Time I Went Back to Plymouth Plantation to Paint Alvie's Face
Ch 21: That Time I Met My Future Self
Ch 20: Okay let's get this restarted
Ch 19: That Time I was on the Maiden Voyage of the Titanic
Ch 18: That Time I Went Back to the 1940s to Court Lonely Wives
Ch 17: That Time I Discovered Isaac Newton Discovering Gravity
Ch 16: That Time I Took Acid at Woodstock and Wound up Tripping Through Time
Ch 15: That Time I Freed the African Americans
Ch 14: That Time I Freed the Jews
Ch 13: That Time I Made Love to my Babysitter in The Wild West
Ch 12: That Time I Went Back in Time with My Babysitter
Ch 11: That Time I Went Back to 2010 to Date My Babysitter
Ch 10: That Time I Ended Prohibition in America
Ch 9: That Time I Saved the World from Napoleon
Ch 8: That Time I Met Another Time Traveler
Ch 7: That Time I Helped Michelangelo Paint the Sistine Chapel
Ch 6: That Time I Impregnated a Cavewoman
Ch 5: That Time I French Kissed Socrates
Ch 4: That Time I Almost Killed Ben Franklin
Ch 3: When was I?
Ch 2: Where was I?
Ch 1: Okay let's get this started
Trailer - This Season On...
Trailer - Introduction
The Time Traveler's Guide to NOT Getting Caught
This is the story of how I found a time traveling watch behind a dumpster and my subsequent adventures through time as I make the world a better place...for me...and sometimes for other people as well...I mean, I have no doubt other people also benefited from the changes I made, so in some ways, it's kind of the story of how I became the greatest hero of all time...as well as a guide for any of you who might wind up finding a time machine and becoming a time traveler.